Sagecreek Walk On The Wild Side STDcsd RTDcs DNA-CP

WTCH HTCH Sagecreek On the Brazos DNA-VP RLFIIIcs HRDIIIcs
AKC / CKC / ASCA Registration
Blue Merle w/ White
DOB: June 5, 2019
Height 21″
Weight 45#
Standing At Stud to Approved Females
x Swift 2022

Reed is a nice male originating from the USA. His pedigree is chock full of ranch working cowdogs, and he doesn’t disappoint. On stock he is very much a big picture thinker, and prefers working when he can use those skills. He typically will only engage with cattle that are not moving where they should, and doesn’t create fights where they don’t need to be. He is a strong heeler and will hold head pressure.
Reed resides at Frogpeak Aussies and is co-owned by myself and Irene Manley. He has had 1 litter so far, and we look forward to seeing more of his pups on the ground!
Trialing History
Herding 2022
Summer Roundup, Lewistown MT
- Most Promising Started Aussie
- 2nd Ranch Trial Cattle
- 3rd Ranch Trial Sheep
- 1st Open Farm Trial Cattle
- 2nd Open Farm Trial Sheep
- 2x 1st / 1x 2nd Place Started Cattle
- 3x 1st / 1x 2nd Place Started Ducks
- 1x 1st / 3x 2nd Place Started Sheep